Meet Our Board Of Executive


Md. Ahosan Habib
STR Foundation


I offer my heartfelt Congratulations to all of our STRF family members, well wishers and beneficiaries on this great day of publication our 01(one) year Annual Report for all concern.

Especially I thank to our honorable consultant and his organization SOCIO-IMPACT for their great consultancy to keep up high ranking of our STRF in development sector. I also hope that our times here has transformed our minds and our lives and I trust that we shall face any challenge with confidence and dignity. My heartiest congratulations to you all and best wishes for our well wishers, Donors and Development partners.

Thanks everybody.
   – Md. Ahosan Habib

Executive Director

Md Abu Bakar Siddik
STR Foundation


It is a matter of great pleasure and delighted for me in Presenting the Annual Report 0f STRF for the year of 2022 to our National & international patrons. Future Donors, well wishers and Members. Like in the past, STRF Continues putting its full efforts to materialize its firm commitment of removing the major impediments in socio-economic development of the rural/urban poor people and specially poor women of Bangladesh. All its endeavors have been triggered for creating innovative and variable solutions for the myriad of problems encountered in today’s emerging Bangladesh. We strongly feel that without the wholehearted co-operation from our well wishers, GOB officials, local leaders, inspiration by our group members/ beneficiaries, prudent counseling by our Advisors and honorable consultant, effective management of our Executive Committee and above all the sincere efforts and dedication of our employees. We could not reach our goals and objectives. We express our deep gratitude and thanks to them from our inner core of hearts for their response.

The Content of this report depicts a brief but clear picture about the activities of STRF lf any body would like of witness and share the essence of development in our operating area, we shall be very happy obliged. Finally I thank all of them whose concerted efforts have enabled in bringing out this report.
Allah Hafez.
   -Md AbuBakar Siddik


AZM Riad Ali
STR Foundation


I am delighted to learn that STRF is going to publish their Annual Report for the year 2020-2021. I feel that STRF member will ever rejuvenate in all their noble action of Social Activities they have so long performed and let their cherished organization STRF be the angelica of all their deeds of services rendered towards the country and its people. I also proud to share the joy with STRF.

I pray to the almighty Allah that the attempts of STRF for publishing their Annual Report become a success and worthy to all it members’ wish the member and their beloved organization all success. Allah Hafez.

-AZM Riad Ali

IT Consultant

M A Zaman
STR Foundation


Hi, I’m M A Zaman  In many ways, I am IT Consultant  & public voice of STR FOUNDATION.  Current Service taker can count on me to keep them informed about important news and updates affecting the solutions they own. Prospective Person can look to me to learn more about the  services we offer, as well as what makes them stand head and shoulders.