Making a Difference Starts Here

Find and support a charity that aligns with your passions.

Sponsor a water

If you want to change the world, one wish at a time, help kids.

Volunteer with us

If you want to change the world, one wish at a time, help kids.

Pledge for a cause

If you want to change the world, one wish at a time.

Partner with us

If you want to change the world, one wish at a time.

Buy a coffee

If you want to change the world, one wish at a time.

Sponsor a water

If you want to change the world, one wish at a time.

Our recent causes

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Why choose us

Your help will be very usefull for them

We are a safe, transparent and trusted donation platform with more than 10+ years of experience. We have help people around the world to live safely and in peace.
Clients reviews

Charities help in lots of differrent ways.

Direct help

Charities bring together people who care about a cause so that they can make a difference.

Giving information

People who care about a cause so that they can make a difference it is thay you care about

Raising awareness

Whatever it is that you care about, there will be a charity working on it.

Relieving poverty

Charities help in lots of different ways, but the main ways are by providing direct help.

humani app

Donating is easier just by using a smartphone

Donating can now be done anywhere, anytime and very easily just by using a smartphone, download now for free.
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